
  安娜嘉達及荷加卡福特基金(Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord's Fund)由工業家荷加卡福特夫婦(Holger Crafoord,1908-1982;Anna-Greta Crafoord,1914-1994)在1980年成立,目的是促進瑞典及世界各地的基礎科學研究,主要是數學、天文學、生物科學和地球科學等方面的研究。

  而基金主要作兩方面的用途,其中之一是每年的國際獎項,即卡福特獎(Crafoord prize),頒給該年的出色科學家,由瑞典皇家科學院負責頒授(跟諾貝爾獎相同);另外是研究基金給瑞典國內的學者或院校。而在獎項方面是以六年為一個循環,順次序每年頒給數學、地球科學、生物科學、天文學、地球科學、生物科學,其中地球科學和生物科學是頒兩次的。在1998年起,卡福特獎包括五十萬美元、金獎牌及獎狀。


1982 Vladimir I. Arnold For outstanding achievements in the theory of non-linear differential equations.
  Louis Nirenberg For outstanding achievements in the theory of non-linear differential equations.
1988 Pierre Deligne For their fundamental research in algebraic geometry.
  Alexandre Grothendieck For their fundamental research in algebraic geometry.
1994 Simon Donaldson For his fundamental investigations in four-dimensional geometry through application of instantos in particular his new discovery of new differential invariants.
  Shing-Tung Yau For his development of non-linear techniques in differential geometry leading the solution of several outstanding problems.
2001 Alain Connes For penetrating work on te theory of operator algebras and for having been a founder of non-commutative geometry.